We do offer birding tours in Ecuador. Customize and private bird trips with Richard Hernandez our top bird guide, he is also the most booked bird guide/naturalist by our clients from the USA, Canada and UK. He started doing bird tours in the Mindo cloud forest  and now expanding his birding and photography tours to all over the country of Ecuador. The best Ecuador birding lodges and bird reserves are part of our birdwatching trips:

By the East from Quito: Tambo Condor (Antisana), Rio Quijos bird lodge, La Brisa located in Baeza, Yachana lodge in Chontapunta, Wayra bird reserve, Victor Manitio (concierto de las aves) .

By the West from Quito: Yanacocha bird reserve, Zuroloma, Tandayapa valley, San Tadeo, Mindo, Milpe, Pedro Vicente Maldonado, Frutti tour, Silanche.

By the South of Ecuador: Buenaventura bird reserve, Jorupe reserve, Utuana reserve, Copalinga reserve.


* Note: pictures are copyrighted.




Birding ? identifying on the mobile the just new found bird:) come on Richard !




The plate billed mountain toucan seen in the western slopes of the Andes.

Early wake up !


ecuador birds tours


When we both agree on the same color (bird found)




Hummingbirds are territorials ?


ecuador birds tours


First picture – we are resting while enjoying the hummingbird station at near 2000 meters above the sea level.

Near 26 years Richard is birding Ecuador !

The second picture is about Tambo Condor located on the visit to Antisana.